The web address and subsequent website at http://www.bazandbea.com (bazandbea.com) is operated by BAZ and BEA (the company). BAZ and BEA is a privately owned company.


Information you (the customer) share with BAZ and BEA and bazandbea.com (the site) and any suggestions or comments sent to the company through our CONTACT US page are considered confidential. BAZ and BEA does not collect personally identifiable information, nor will the site share your information with others.


The company will never ask for any personal information outside the ordering specifics; the company will not ask for details on credit cards or other sensitive information. All payments are processed through PayPal, and STRIPE; any sensitive information shared with PayPal and/or STRIPE will not be shared with BAZ and BEA.


Any and all content including graphics and marketing tools used on the site are subject to copyrights held by the company, and all rights are explicitly reserved except where indicated within the site or in accompanying promotional material.

Permission is granted to you, the customer, to electronically copy and print copies of pages from this Web address solely for personal, non-commercial purposes, of or related to the ordering through bazandbea.com; all other uses of this site or the content is strictly prohibited, unless you write a request and obtain written permission of BAZ and BEA.

The site may intermittently contain errors or inaccuracies that might relate to updates or non-current information. BAZ and BEA and bazandbea.com reserve the right to update any omissions which may occur during any part of the shopping process, and reserve the right to change or update information at any time without prior notice. In addition the company reserves the right to cancel or refuse an order placed with the company that may contain incorrect pricing or out of date availability information.


The site, and any information or content on this Web site, are provided "as is." BAZ and BEA and bazandbea.com offer no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, with respect to this Web site or content or information available on or through this Web site.

Neither BAZ and BEA nor bazandbea.com nor any and all persons affiliated with BAZ and BEA or bazandbea.com will be held liable for any damages whatsoever resultant to the use or misuse of this Web site or any of its implied services.